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Saturday, July 23, 2011 . 11:20 PM


Friday, May 20, 2011 . 3:33 AM

my last post, way long..this blog a bit rusty, a lil dusty.. like a mini storage space at the back of my mind.

well, time passed..indeed sup duper fast..
& whenever i looked back i would say "this time it is different..."

Maybe different in some way or another, we have been mould to be different, * to withstand against some changes along the way or to have swayed by changes...

I AM DIFFERENT, maybe a lil stronger, but still a lil more timid in some ways.
Today what stand before your eyes, is the grace more daring to speak up a lil more..less feminine or less considerate as before. I'm feeling like it's beginning to be different. Well, people change at different point in life.

Today is my birthday. This time a bit different, found a friend that has a birthday same as mine!
And we even sent the same wishes! interesting seriously..

As much as i want to hold the sand in my palms (like the pple i always love & care about), the holes between the fingers always 'gave away', or ain't able to keep all within me (the palm).

I pray God that tonight all my love ones are having a good rest, because I believe in leaving my worries unto lord, & when one believes; God will be there, our pillar of strength & we'll receive the love from God.

Friday, September 18, 2009 . 10:26 PM

my dearest ger will arrive in london any min! God God bless her & jiang mama. ('_')b I believe and always have faith in this girl...she'll be bold enough to endear what will come, she'll be not be swayed by anything, everything... (copy from suyee..refuse to be let)

Adapt fine ger and I hope for the best for you!

although at work today, something somehow gone wrong~ too distracted by too much rest- 2days mc and prob my dear friend flying off...and maybe too many thoughts..running all about~

I'll not falter...i'll be strong..stronger when I meet u at London ger! :)

Monday, September 14, 2009 . 11:30 PM


perhaps, my home has always been a comforting place...whenever u feel like damn low & disappointed, i could always find comfort here.

my family, quite the closely knitted family..my dad has always thought of himself as the open-minded parents...when actually he's quite mindful of traditions or values of his own. From young, he's quite the strict man..but surely loving dad. I remember the times he screamed at me coming back late...or later than the time i had promised to. From being scared, i eventually became annoyed or even holding anger against being so controlling or strict towards me. Oh the teenage 'times'~

But but, there was the nicest memory of him being so concern..too concerned i used to think... And so ever-protective of the 3 of us. He allowed mum to be the good guy and himself to be the baddy.. u realised this tactic or method never fails...

sometimes, too comforting for the outside world..i think.

Really, i find myself hating me..to be sometimes putting up a false front or even like a diff me..which in times i couldn't help but try to establish a wall around me..so afraid that i might get hurt or too close...

I dunno, but it used to be not so hurting...or prob i dun even know it actually was hurting. that docile ger i was, not anymore.. maybe the environment had changed me...maybe it was just myself.

in a dilemma, to put down all the armour or wall around me and let myself find comfort again..or continue to protect? only when u let the pple come into your life..

Sunday, September 13, 2009 . 11:29 PM

it feels like tuning in to a radio channel..on your old rusty radio.
It's so hard to tune to.

ytd perhaps started off not too bad, my bro's commissioning went pretty smooth although..serious it took us quite some time to finally spot correctly. Thank God for dinner time when Jason could come in and join me & sis. I really didn't want him to wait too long, so sis & me initially really wanna make dinner swift. but unexpectedly he came in, Thank God. Mum & Dad joined Dan for 8 course dinner. So, we were somewhat..at diff places. Anyway, 3 of us finished buffet and took a stroll back..even though there's transport. Well, 3 of us somehow look like 3 笨蛋taking a long way back to carpark, wanna just take a peek at the barracks...cos the other time we didn't get to see them. Sweat way lot~

Back home, i remember my e-mail...forgotten to e-mail outlets on fri, so sat night quickly sent. Bathed & got changed to clothes for st james..at the same time wait for dan & parents to cab back.

On the way, we picked kavan up as well and headed down.
The mistake i think it's so hard to tune..bro & buddies came & join my friends...too big a crowd alr...plus the messy-ness & all the not so appropriate... seem to crash...spoil the fun.

all this all this i dunno how to say.
made the night a bad ending, not a night i wanted rmb. It was suppose to turn out nice..well..for a good farewell for my ger.

that night not good for any of us to rmb...but surely be remembered. I hope this awful-ness & adkwardness between all of us can be resolved. This, I need you God. Help me to...

As for tomorrow to slowly but surely to draw closer. I hope meeting tomorrow without manager will be fine. I remember to pray, for ability to manage day-to-day work & for a mind that keeps everything all positive & clear. Of all, I hope all that has happen will not affect adversely to anyone of us.

Monday, June 01, 2009 . 10:55 AM


1june09, dan's 21!
Happy bday, i hope dan's doing super well in the jungle. He & team mate will be blessed.

ytd, fall ill le...be well soon... & be prep for HK!

as for esther, God pls bless her..she's currently busy w sch assignment & test.

Mummy & Daddy..Lord pls bless them w good health and that the 3 of us will have time to spend quality time w 'em.

Super miss family times~

Monday, May 18, 2009 . 12:36 AM


so dan reported that he's safely arrived at brunei.
today, somehow esther & i ald started missing him. both of us heard whistling at the door...while opening the door..first thought...dan at the door..but but he's at brunei le... lols... it was actually mum whistling...unexpected!

Somehow, when i pause to think about things..that has happen lately... tear a lil..
Grace still finds it hard to not cry.
Misses everything & everyone she always wants to hold dearly to but always somehow take for granted.

Feeling quite missing...missing a lot in my heart. Firstly, today i just finally met up and had dinner w girlfriends...we had not sat down for dinner for a month le..i thought, but apparently i heard only 3 weeks.. it's me la...feels like so long le. Secondly, left company like my second home..left colleagues like friends... Then, also dan leaving for brunei. like sudden lost..altogether!

anyway, Grace has to embrace what she holds now & keep moving on.